training on online earning Tips to improve your Link Building

In order to make your website visible on the web, link building isan important online marketing strategy. However, you should be carefulabout whom you link to. Linking to bad websites can hamper your onlinereputation. Here are some great link building practices that you canpractice to get your website noticed among potential clients.
  • Articles/press releases: It is a good idea to earn links from press releases andarticles. Articles can be submitted to reputed article submissionwebsites. It is highly likely that people who read your articles clickthe links that you provide and visit your site. Press releases get youmapped on news specific searches and make your business popular aswell.

  • Blogging: Having a blog is the order of day. Everybusiness website has a blog. By blogging, you can connect to yourcustomers. Search engines generally index blogs faster than websitesand that is an added advantage. You can also build links by commentingon other blogs.

  • Social media profiles: Social media sitesare very popular and there are thousands of them online. You can createyour profiles in them and place your website links in the profiles. Youget a link by spending a few minutes on profile creation.